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Raw Feeding Huskies

raw feeding huskies

History of Huskies

Huskies are very particular when it comes to their feeding regime. Huskies were bred to be working dogs in harsh conditions where food was hard to come by. Huskies’ bodies are more efficient at burning calories and using nutrients, and therefore they are used to eating less than other breeds of dogs. Their metabolism is extremely high and a small food intake can keep them going and functioning for quite a long time.

Huskies will only eat until they are full, unlike other breeds, who will eat until they fall ill. Adult huskies should eat 40% less than the recommended quantity. As they were bred to travel long distances without any food, they need to be exercised for a minimum of 2 hrs a day. A husky will not eat unless it is hungry, and will refuse to eat a certain protein that has made them ill or associate it with something negative. Not exercising them enough will cause extra stress and anxiety, and will not have an appetite to eat.

What is the ideal weight and body stature of a husky?

Normally the ideal weight of huskies is :

Males - Height 54–60 cm, Weight: 20–27 kg

Females -Height: 50–56 cm, Weight: 16–23 kg

Every dog is an individual, therefore your husky may or may not be in the above ranges. The above are just guidelines. Raw feeding keeps them lean and at their ideal weight. It is very rare that dogs that are raw fed are over weight.

To know wether or not your pet is at their ideal weight, they must not have their ribs visible however you can count each one easily. The waist line must be visible from above, and belly tucks up when viewed from the side.

Raw feeding keeps our pets very lean and at their ideal weight. It is very normal for pets to loose a lot of weight after transitioning them to a healthy diet with no grains or carbs. Always consult your vet when you are unsure or if you see any behavioural changes such as increase in water intake or excessive lethargy.

About Huskies

What are the benefits of feeding my husky raw ?

🐾Some raw feeding benefits :

🐾Shinier, silkier coat

🐾Whiter cleaner teeth

🐾Smaller, less smellier poops

🐾Raw keeps them lean and healthier

🐾High moisture content with no grains, added additives or preservatives

🐾Most importantly as huskies are picky eaters they require a variety of different proteins

How much to feed

Huskies even more than other breeds need a routine. A consistent feeding schedule is essential, especially around his exercise schedule. Never feed your husky right before or after exercising. You must wait at least two hours so he won’t exercise with a full stomach. Do not feed your husky 30 minutes after exercising either, as this time allows his body to cool down. Feeding him too close to his exercise routines subjects him to gastric torsion, which is when a dog’s stomach twists and bloats dangerously with gas.

As huskies are very particular you need to divide their meals up into at least two or even three equal servings. This gives them a source of calories that they can burn throughout the day without them having to resort to the fat being stored in their bodies, which can cause them to lose weight unnecessarily.

The approximate overall ratio of a PMR diet are the same :

80% of meat, sinew, ligaments, fat,

10% edible bone,

5% liver,

5% organ meat.

Remember this is just a guideline. Every dog is different so always adjust any ratios according to your dog's poop.

Where do I buy ready made healthy raw from?

If you live in the US / Canada region these are our recommendation click on the links below to benefit from our exclusive special offers-

Husky how to keep him mentally stimulated

How can I mentally stimulate my husky?

Huskies more than other dogs need a great deal of mental stimulation. Working dogs need to satisfy their natural instinct. As a pet owner it is up to you to ensure to channel all that energy by giving them something meaningful to do. Mental stimulation activities reduces boredom and anxiety. It decreases the likelihood of them developing behavioural problems such as chewing, barking and destroying the house.

Here are some tips to ensure that you furry baby does not have any unnecessary stress build up -

Have your dog work for their food by stuffing food in tracheas and kongs

Ensure to walk your huskies at least 2 hours a day (one hour morning and one hour evening). However walking is not enough. That will only satisfy their physical needs. Let them stop and sniff. They need to explore new smells. You’d be surprised at how much more tired dogs are after a walk that includes sensory enrichment - sniffing and exploration.

Teach your dog new tricks. Take him to group training. This will not only help with mental stimulation but also with shy and fearful dogs

Teach him to love the water and take him for a swim.

Agility is a great way to keep your husky fit and give him a nice mental work out. An obstacle is one example


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Mon to Fri 10.00am - 6 pm

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